Different Styles of Coaching

Jun 5, 2023 | Article

There are various styles of coaching, each with its own approach and focus. Here are some common coaching styles:

Directive Coaching:

This style involves a coach providing specific instructions, guidance, and solutions to the coachee. The coach takes a more authoritative role, making decisions and directing the coachee’s actions. It is useful in situations where the coachee lacks experience or needs clear direction.

Facilitative Coaching:

In this style, the coach acts as a facilitator, guiding the coachee to explore their own ideas, goals, and solutions. The coach asks open-ended questions, actively listens, and supports the coachee’s self-discovery and decision-making process. It fosters independent thinking and empowers the coachee.

Transformational Coaching:

This style focuses on personal growth, development, and achieving long-term changes. The coach helps the coachee explore their values, beliefs, and aspirations, and supports them in making transformative shifts in their mindset and behavior. It aims to unlock potential and create lasting positive change.

Supportive Coaching:

This style emphasizes creating a supportive and empathetic environment for the coachee. The coach provides emotional support, encouragement, and validation to build confidence and motivation. It helps the coachee overcome challenges, boosts self-esteem, and enhances their overall well-being.

Performance Coaching:

This style is goal-oriented and focuses on enhancing performance and achieving specific objectives. The coach works with the coachee to set clear goals, develop action plans, and monitor progress. It involves regular feedback, accountability, and skill-building to optimize performance.

Collaborative Coaching:

This style involves a partnership between the coach and coachee, with both parties actively collaborating to achieve desired outcomes. The coach and coachee work together as equals, sharing ideas, exploring options, and jointly creating strategies. It promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for the coachee’s progress.

Positive Psychology Coaching:

This style incorporates principles from positive psychology to focus on strengths, resilience, and well-being. The coach helps the coachee identify and leverage their strengths, cultivate a positive mindset, and develop strategies for personal and professional growth.

It’s important to note that coaching styles can be flexible and adapted based on the individual coachee, their needs, and the coaching context. A skilled coach can employ a blend of styles to create a tailored and effective coaching approach.